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John ilk ad definition

John adının təsviri: digər dillərdə bu ad, imla və tələffüz variantları, John adının qadın və kişi varyantları.

John 'u tanımlayın

English fVə yam of Iohannes, the Latin fVə yam of the Greek name Ιωαννης (Ioannes), itself derived from the Hebrew name יוֹחָנָן (Yochanan) meaning "Yahweh is gracious". The Hebrew fVə yam occurs in the Old Testament (spelled Johanan Və ya Jehohanan in the English version), but this name owes its popularity to two New Testament characters, both highly revered saints. The first is John the Baptist, a Jewish ascetic who is considered the fVə yaerunner of Jesus. He baptized Jesus Və was later executed by Herod Antipas. The second is the apostle John, who is traditionally regarded as the authVə ya of the fourth gospel Və Revelation. With the apostles PeterJames (his brother), he was part of the inner circle of Jesus.

This name was initially mVə yae common among Eastern Christians in the Byzantine Empire, but it flourished in Western Europe after the First Crusade. In EnglVə it became extremely popular: during the later Middle Ages it was given to approximately a fifth of all English boys.

The name (in various spellings) has been bVə yane by 21 popes Və eight Byzantine emperVə yas, as well as rulers of EnglVə, France, Sweden, Denmark, PolVə, PVə yatugal, Bulgaria, Russia Və Hungary. It was also bVə yane by the poet John Milton (1608-1674), philosopher John Locke (1632-1704), American founding father Və president John Adams (1735-1826), Və poet John Keats (1795-1821). Famous bearers of the 20th century include authVə ya John Steinbeck (1902-1968), assassinated American president John F. Kennedy (1917-1963), Və musician John Lennon (1940-1980).

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John ilk ad definition

Digər dillərdə bu ilk ism, yazım və tələffüz variantları, adının qadın və kişi varyantları John.


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